Pastors/Staff/Spouse Christmas Dinner
Place: First Baptist Church West Valley City
Please RSVP by November 30, 2018
Place: First Baptist Church West Valley City
Please RSVP by November 30, 2018
Where: Canyons Baptist Church (7000 S 1700 E, Salt Lake City, Utah) When: November 30 & December 1, 2018
Training Sessions Available:
Introduction to Disaster Relief
This the only required class in Disaster Relief to serve on teams as a helper. This class starts your adventure that has the potential to change your life as you provide spiritual and physical help to those in crisis. Train to meet the urgent needs of those in crisis situations with loving care and a timely response as James 2:15-16 instructs us to do. Disaster relief is Christian love in action.
Cost for initial training is $45 covers: 1 background check, manual (emailed), 1 badge, 1 cap and 1 T -shirt.
Recertification cost $17 covers: 1 background check and 1 badge.
DR Occupational Stress First Aid (OSFA)
Is a flexible multi-step process for the timely assessment and pre-clinical care of stress reactions or injuries in indi- viduals or units with the goals to preserve life, prevent further harm, and promote recovery. Required for DR Chaplains and recommended for all people working in a stressful environment.
Note: These trainings are the first two steps to serve as a DR Chaplain. You will also need a recom- mendation from your pastor and approval from UT-ID leadership. To serve nationally as a Disaster Relief Chaplain there is an application and similar approvals as the UT-ID approval. There is not an assertion that these classes will be accepted in other chaplain services.
Russel Hohmann
UT-ID Disaster Relief Director Cell: (801) 644-4638 Email: disaster.relief@uisbc.org
Tiffany Neilson UT-ID Training Coordinator Cell: (208) 440-3982 Email: kunacat@gmail.com
Joe or Dolores O’Neill UT-ID Chaplain Coordinators Phone: (208) 880-9340 Email: daoneill94@gmail.com
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 8:15 AM - 2:00 PM
Introduction Trainings: OSFA Lunch on your own Trainings: OSFA
Fellowship & Continental Breakfast Trainings: OSFA
This is Church Camping so come prepared with cots/sleeping bags and personal items and enjoy the fellowship and convenience. Men and Women in separate rooms (may have a few husband wife rooms). Shower trailer on site. Thursday is Pizza night, let us know if you need gluten free or vegetarian. Breakfast Friday and Saturday will be cold cereal, fruit and muffins. Lunch is provided on-site Friday. Friday and dinner will be on your own. If you need hotel or restaurant information, please ask the con- tact persons.
To assure we have sufficient resources it is critical that participants RSVP your class registration to the contact persons. Let them know which classes you would like to enroll in. If you need to check in at different hours let us know. Classes without the minimum number of participants registered will be DROPPED from the training roster.
Russel Hohmann
UT-ID Disaster Relief Director Cell: (801) 644-4638 Email: disaster.relief@uisbc.org
Tiffany Neilson UT-ID Training Coordinator Cell: (208) 440-3982 Email: kunacat@gmail.com
Joe or Dolores O’Neill UT-ID Chaplain Coordinators Phone: (208) 880-9340 Email: daoneill94@gmail.com
Featured missionaries in the true story of The Insanity of God film, author of books The Insanity of God and The Insanity of Obedience. Have served for over 32 years in 72 countries with persecuted believers.
February 22-24, 2018
Thursday/Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-12pm
The Point Church
5133 S Heath Ave, SLC
Register now for this great opportunity! Registration includes lunches and snacks. Childcare available upon request.
SLBA Affiliate Church members Click here - $20.00 per person
Non-SLBA members Click here - $40.00 per person