Who We Are

Effective churches working together reproducing a living faith in Christ.

An Association is a body of Southern Baptist churches connected or joined in a relationship of mutual encouragement, support, and accountability centered on christianity. This connection is voluntary and the Association exerts no authority over the local church. The Salt Lake Baptist Association, which was organized in 1955, is composed of 40 local, autonomous, Southern Baptist churches located in three counties in Northern Utah. These christian churches have chosen to associate themselves together for the work of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. We are an ethnically diverse Association being made up of churches of eight different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. 


Our Values

As an Association of Churches, we Value:

  • Praying together

  • Serving together

  • Healthy churches

  • Proclaiming the gospel together

  • Knowing and caring for one another

Our Vision

We see a day when our communities are filled with disciples who worship the One True God and our Savior Jesus.


Our Mission

To facilitate the collaboration of churches in order to strengthen churches and advance the gospel.